AI for Sustainable Development

About Us

The AI for Sustainable Development(AI4SD) platform falls under the D4SD initiative, where UNDP RBAS call upon all our partners in governments, inter-governmental organizations, the private sector, civil society, international organizations and the entire digital society, to join us in this call to action to harness the power of inclusive digital transformation to accelerate progress in in the Arab States region towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with the aim of building resilient societies.
The AI4SD platform is an AI-powered platform developed to bridge the information gap and empower the region.

This advanced platform incorporates state-of-the-art AI technologies to bring about transformation in five crucial areas:
  • Enhancing Agricultural and Environmental Resilience.
  • Ensuring Climate Adaptation.
  • Enhancing water resources management.
  • Promoting Social Cohesion.
  • Decreasing inequalities.

  • Anticipated outcomes of this project include precise monitoring, insights based on data, an early warning system, forecasting abilities, and scenario analysis, all with the goal of promoting sustainable development in the Arab Region.

    This platform is well-positioned to tackle the region's data scarcity issue comprehensively and make a substantial contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals.

    This is a crucial milestone towards a brighter and more sustainable future for the Arab Region and its underserved communities.


    Optimizing Agricultural & Environmental Resilience

    Utilizing AI algorithms to analyze satellite imagery and drone footage for real-time crop health assessment and prediction of key metrics, enabling early interventions and early warnings for potential food shortages.


    Fostering Social Cohesion

    Implement natural language processing to analyze social media sentiment, community forums, and local news in Arabic and its various dialects, identifying existing social stressors and predicting future metrics for community well-being.


    Ensuring Water Sustainability

    Apply AI-powered analytics on alternative data sources to optimize current water distribution and predict future scarcity metrics, providing early warnings for potential water crises.​


    Climate Adaptation

    Harness AI to develop predictive models that assess and mitigate climate-related risks. By analyzing historical climate data, weather patterns, and ecosystem health, we aim to enhance communities' resilience against the increasingly unpredictable impacts of climate change.


    Agriculture Resilience   
    ✓ Real-Time Crop Health Assessment: The AI system can provide real-time insights into crop health, identifying areas of concern such as pest infestations or nutrient deficiencies.

    ✓ Prediction: It can predict crop yield based on historical data and current conditions, helping farmers plan harvesting and distribution.

    ✓ Harvest Time Prediction: The system can estimate the optimal time for harvesting, ensuring that crops are harvested at peak quality.

    ✓ Early Interventions: Farmers can take early interventions to address crop issues, reducing losses.

    ✓ Early Warnings: Authorities and organizations can receive early warnings about potential food shortages, enabling proactive measures to secure the food supply chain and prevent crises.

    Water Sustainability   
    ✓ Optimized Water Distribution: AI can help optimize the allocation of water resources, ensuring efficient use and reducing waste.

    ✓ Predicting Future Scarcity Metrics: The system can forecast future water scarcity metrics based on historical data and current conditions, providing insights into potential water shortages.

    ✓ Early Warnings: Early warnings for potential water crises can be issued to relevant authorities and organizations, allowing them to take proactive measures to address water shortages.

    ✓ Improved Water Sustainability: By better managing water resources, AI contributes to long-term water sustainability, reducing the impact of droughts and water-related crises.

    ✓ Resource Allocation: Decision-makers can use AI insights to allocate resources more effectively, ensuring that water is distributed to areas that need it most.

    Climate Adaptation   
    ✓ Early Warning for Extreme Weather Events: Deploy AI-powered climate modeling to provide early warnings for extreme weather events, enabling proactive disaster preparedness.

    ✓ Biodiversity Shift Forecasting: Utilize machine learning algorithms to analyze historical climate data and forecast ecosystem shifts, offering early indications of biodiversity changes due to climate change.

    ✓ Flood Risk Prediction with AI: Implement AI-driven flood risk prediction models that combine real-time weather data and river flow measurements to issue early warnings to vulnerable communities.

    ✓ Real-time Deforestation Monitoring: Leverage satellite imagery and deep learning techniques to detect and monitor deforestation in real time, supporting early intervention to mitigate climate-related habitat loss.

    Social Cohesion   
    ✓ Identification of Social Stressors: It can identify and catrgorize social stressors and issues discussed by the community, such as economic challenges, health concerns, or political unrest.

    ✓ Predictive Metrics: By analyzing historical data, the system can predict future community well-being metrics, offering insights into potential areas of concern.

    ✓ Early Warnings: Early warnings for potential social instability can be issued, allowing authorities and community leaders to take proactive measures to address issues and promote social cohesion.

    ✓ Community Engagement: The insights generated by AI can be used to engage with communities more effectively, address their concerns, and foster a sense of belonging and cohesion.



    • Satellite
    • Drone
    • Weather
    • Historical
      Crop Data
    • Soil
    • River Flow
    • Weather Prediction
    • Historical Water
      Usage Data
    • Climate
    • Sea Level
    • Historical Disaster
    • Climate Adaptation
    • Social Media
    • Community
    • Blogs
    • Local News
    • Sentiment


    Portfolio of Solutions

    Explore the Depths of Global Poverty with Our Cutting-Edge AI Platform. Utilizing advanced AI algorithms, this platform delves into a set of poverty indicators by analyzing global news data. It's not just about numbers; it's about understanding the multifaceted reality of poverty worldwide. Get ready to uncover insights like never before.
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    Explore Data

    Meet JAIS Climate – Your Go-To AI for Climate Insights. Designed to be the 'ChatGPT' for climate queries, JAIS Climate specializes in offering expert advice on climate change and sustainability. Equipped with a unique dataset and bilingual capabilities in Arabic and English, this AI model is finely-tuned to guide policymakers towards a sustainable future. Dive into a world where every climate question finds an insightful, data-driven answer.
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    Combat Urban Heat with MBZUAI's AI Expertise. Focused on the pressing issue of Urban Heat Islands in the UAE, this project leverages AI to map, detect, and strategize against rising urban temperatures. From analyzing satellite imagery to evaluating the role of urban forests, this initiative is a beacon of hope for sustainable urban living. Designed for the UAE, its methodology is a potential game-changer for Arab countries striving for cooler, greener cities.
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    Unlock the Secrets of Earth from Space with Falcon LLM. This state-of-the-art AI model, developed by TII, transforms satellite imagery into actionable insights. Whether it's tracking water bodies, assessing crop health, or monitoring land use changes, Falcon is trained to spot crucial patterns and changes relevant to water and food security. A leap forward in environmental intelligence, Falcon is redefining how we perceive and protect our planet.
    Explore Model


    At the WGS, we signed two MOUs on AI and in relation to AI4SD, one is with the HE's Office of AI, which aims to promote artificial intelligence and benefit from it to accelerate progress towards achieving sustainable development goals, exploring the necessary factors and requirements for developing and utilizing artificial intelligence and digital ecosystem in the Arab region and beyond.
    We also signed a main MOU with HE's Office.
    The second MOU is with MBZUAI, in which the university becomes the founding knowledge partner for the UNDP’s AI for Sustainable Development Platform (AI4SD).
    We also signed a main MOU on AI skills, technology, and government exchange with the UAE Prime Minister’s office, represented by H.E. Mohammed Al Gargawi, and our Administrator Achim Steiner.
    We are also in discussions with more partners like TII and Samsung.

    We pride ourselves with our ability to perform and deliver results.